TowerMadness Dice Strategy

TowerMadness Dice Strategy
Dice can be cleared without a flamethrower! !

TowerMadness Dice tips(japanese)

The initial arrangement of Dice
2 GUIDED (homing) is disposed

4 Wave
Right GUIDED (homing) up 75, interception

8 Wave boss
ELECTROSLOW (slow) intercepting

16 Wave
flight Boss of 2 GUIDED (homing) and
ELECTROSLOW (slow) intercepting

19 Wave
ELECTROSLOW (slow) and GUIDED (homing) and
PLASMATRON (corn) to block

22 Wave
Similarly, block

24 Wave boss
PLASMATRON (corn) is derived by
ELECTROSLOW (throw) in the lower left GUIDED (homing) is disposed

PLASMATRON (corn) and GUIDED (homing) is disposed
All GUIDED (homing) to the MAX to the UP

56 Wave Airplane
ELECTROSLOW (slow) and the MAX
PLASMATRON (stopper) of intercepting MAX

75 Wave
Empty space in the middle RAILGUN (gun) to put
Airplane FLAK (AA) MAX intercepting

2 RAILGUNs (cancer) increased up to the MAX

85 Wave Airplane
FLAK (AA) MAX intercepting

88 Wave
A plane through

90 Wave plane
2 FLAK (AA) 200 and 100 intercept

Only after the results are entirely defeat the boss looks like